2st edition 2019

Arte-Via Cooperativa, based in Lousã, and the writer Ana Filomena Amaral, launches the second edition of the International Literary Festival of the Interior, celebrating its 20 years of existence under the aegis of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, in honour of the victims of forest fires. This festival already counts with the High Sponsorship of the Presidency of the Republic.

This festival has an innovative character, since it is an inter-municipal accomplishment that covers 13 counties of the region affected by the fires, and intends to take books and writers to the most unusual and unpredictable places, such as factories, fields, beaches, churches, places where people work, live together, that is, the books go to the public because they too miss them.

Between June 14 and 17, 2019, the FLII – Words of Fire – under the sign of the Nobel José Saramago, intends to involve all development agents from all participating municipalities, all local talents, in all actions to be carried out simultaneously: competitions, lectures, workshops , readings, book fairs, shows, multimedia, performances, installations, exhibitions, to and with all audiences of all age groups.

The concept underlying this festival is a synergistic achievement, catalysing the resources of the municipalities that make up the consortium, making the best of each one of them profitable and empowered, in a joint effort to overcome adversities and, in the name of the regenerative word, where there are people there will be books, they will be in the most unexpected places, at the hand of those who want to read them, Portuguese and foreign writers will go to the most surprising places, books and words will again raise colour through the blackness.

The International Literary Festival of the Interior – Words of Fire – will culminate with the creation in one of the municipalities, serving the whole region of the consortium, a writer’s residence, which will be inaugurated in June, and already has several national and international partnerships of similar homes. It is the intention of the consortium to continue to hold this festival annually.

We have the Presidency of the Republic as patron, as partners: Gulbenkian Foundation, Ministry of Culture, Regional Government and José Saramago Foundation and nine municipalities.

Consortium FLII Words of Fire



The Literary Prize FLII – Words of Fire

1) The Literary Prize FLII – Words of Fire is instituted by Arte-Via Cooperativa and the consortium of the International Literary Festival of the Interior – Words of Fire, in honor of the victims of the forest fires of 2017, and is designed to reveal new talents of the literature in Portuguese.

2) The Prize distinguishes an original text in the field of fiction, written in Portuguese language by an author of Portuguese nationality, aged no more than 35 years.

3) The prize is € 7,500.00 (this amount includes the publishing).

4) Originals must be sent in triplicate, signed with a pseudonym, to: Arte-Via Cooperativa Meiral – Casa Amarela – 3200-095 Lousã

5) Competitive originals must be accompanied by a closed envelope, identified with the title of the work and the pseudonym of the author (coincident with the pseudonym used in the copies of the work) containing the complete identification of the author, until March 15, 2019 , date of postmark.

6) Originals must be at least 150,000 characters long with spaces, in A4 format, in letters that allow easy reading, and accompanied by a digital, CD or PEN recording.

7) The prize will be awarded during the literary festival from June 14 to 17, 2019.

8) The jury is appointed by the promoter.

9) The decisions of the Jury are unappealable.

10) If the originals in the contest are not of the required quality, the Jury may decide not to award the Prize.

11) The application for this award implies acceptance of this Regulation.

12) Any situations not foreseen in this regulation will be resolved by the promoter.

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